Monday, June 22, 2009

Does A Bear Poo In The Woods?...

So we’re thinking maybe that a bear might also do it on our lawns (see photo). This morning both my garbage pail and the Louster’s was knocked over. Very odd, last time that happened to me there was a black bear eating my trash. Also, an odd pile of poo was spotted by Mrs. Weave on there lawn… So the question is; is that a pile of black bear poo? The photo of that pile was taken this morning on the Weave’s lawn… Can anyone identify it as true black bear poo? Let us know.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Summer-Ready At The Manhut…

Hi campers, it’s been a while since the last entry. So much has happened (all good) since last post. Spring has been really wet up here and when it’s not raining everyone has been scurrying to get all the yard work and outside projects finished, so very little been going on at the Man Hut. Sooner or later I’ll catch up with some of the interesting things that have happened or are about to happen, including:
- Lou’s Big Ride
- Redneck Lawn Care
- A Report from Americade
- The Block Party
- B-Mans Birthday Party Bash At The Hut
Anyhow, check out a couple of the recent improvements up at the Hut (see photo). A six-foot pressure treated picnic table and park style B-B-Q grill. Everything is green and in bloom up on the mountain and these little improvements are going to make it even better this Summer. Until next time.