Sunday, February 21, 2010

Area Man Kicks Babies Asses….By I.P.Daily

Last night, between the hours of 7:30pm and 2:00am local time, retired firefighter Grizz Wingnut, kicked the collective asses of several infants in what was supposed to be an innocent game of “Go Fish”. “It was Awful,” said one eyewitness, ”He sat there silent and motionless with a blank stare, then he would strike with no mercy! He was the devil I tell you, THE DEVIL!” Witnesses say there was simply no way to explain the phenomena. “I would pull three kings, he would pull three aces. I would pull three aces, he would pull four kings… It was insane!”

When asked for comments the assailant mumbled something about the chair. “It’s the chair, the chair, the chair is HOT!”

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Google Manhut…

Yesterday I typed “Manhut” into Google Images just to see what came up. I instantly got 4,310 hits in 0.10 seconds. It was pretty amazing to see how many hits I got (none of them were of us), but still it was kind of interesting to see what other people consider a manhut. I put together this compilation photo together from some of the shots I found there. I even found a bunch of guys doing the kind of stuff we do in New Zealand ( ), check out their photo album.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It Snowed Yesterday…

Yesterday the Northeast was hit with yet another snow storm/blizzard. The forecast was so severe offices around the area were closed for the day…. Including mine.

See photo….. Nuf said!
