Monday, November 23, 2009

A Rose By Any Other Name….

Q: What would drive a man to such extremes, that he found himself so utterly obsessed that he needed to rip apart his perfectly fine Red 1986 Honda Fourtrax Foreman, 350cc ATV?

A: He wanted it Blue.

Sure hope he gets it back together…


Hugh Hefner said...

He wanted a 'blue job', who knew??


Oscar Levant said...

“Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm schizophrenic, and so am I.”

Dead Poets Society said...

There once was a hut-man named Kev.
Who had a quad that was painted quite red.
But his brain told him "change the hue,"
So he decided to paint it dark blue.
Now it's on Craigs List in pieces quite dead.


Hut Widow said...

Red is soooo yesterday....

Mrs. Big Lou said...

Hey GOTH (Gents of the hut, remember?)
I believe that answer should be that "...SHE wanted it blue"!
Yeah Maria, you go girl!

Mrs. Big Wonderful Lou said...

By the way, I want my quad painted silver to match my truck and my motorcycle!
Waddaya say, Big Wonderful Lou, my Honey??

Hut Widow said...

As much as I'd love to take credit for the blue, it was actually Weave's idea. I just enthusiastically agreed with him!